Thursday, May 2, 2013

Contemporary Issues of Hawaii

Cornell Notes: Click here to download the Cornell Notes for "Contemporary Issues of Hawaii"

Or just copy the following link into your address bar:

Please print and bring to class:

  • Periods 1, 2, 4, 5, 6: Monday, May 6
  • Period 7: Tuesday, May 7
If you cannot view the PDF, you have two other options:
  1. Go to Edline and find the Cornell Notes in the Assignments folder.
  2. Print the image below.  You can copy the image and paste it into a Word document.

Group Project for Unit on Contemporary People, Issues, and Events

Instructions: You will be assigned into a group of 3.  In groups, you will be able to choose topics of the Hawaiian Renaissance to research and create a project-type of your choosing.  For example, you may choose to create a display board, PowerPoint, brochure, or video.  Each project requires at least a 5-10 minute presentation, depending on what type of project you choose.

Deadline: You will be given 5 class periods in the classroom to research and put together your project. Any trips to the library or computer lab need to be on your own time.  Your FINAL project due date and presentations will be on the following day:
  • Period 1, 2, 4, 5, 6: Monday, May 20
  • Period 7, Tuesday, May 21
Grade: Your project is worth a TEST grade.  Your final grade is based on two evaluations:
  1. Final Group Projecft
  2. Individual Evaluations from Group Members

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